Alas del Hombre

Paragliding Nayarit

Alas del Hombre


Alas del Hombre comes from a family with a long and remarkable history and tradition in Mexican aviation which dates back to 1927, it is the first Hang Gliding and Paragliding school in Mexico, a pioneer on the sport staring Hang Gliding in 1976 and Paragliding in 1987.

Miguel Gutierrez is the youngest of 10 siblings most of them pilots on different aircrafts founder of Alas del Hombre, he started flying home made Rogallos in 1976 at age 13 along with his brother Vico age 15. Miguel received the “Hang Gliding & Paragliding Diploma” from the F.A.I. for his outstanding career including a 6th place at the Hang Gliding Worlds in Owens Valley, USA in 1993 and being director of the 2009 Paragliding Worlds, the XX Hang Gliding Worlds and 2 Super Finals among 18 Monarca Paraglding Open.

Alas del Hombre has the highest reputation and prestige in Mexico, it is a formal institution made up of several specialist instructors in different areas of paragliding who are in constant training and professional advice. "PARAGLIDING TANDEM FLIGHTS" is an Adventure Tourism Product created by Alas del Hombre awarded with the "Honorable Mention" by SECTUR Federal in 2018. And MONARCA PARAGLIDING OPEN received the “The Best Sporting Event Prize” 2019 by SECTUR Federal.

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