Volcán Ceboruco

Paragliding Fly Sites Nayarit

"El Gigante Negro" this majestic volcano is located in the municipality of Jala, Nayarit. The most recent eruption was in 1870, however it was so energetic that it lasted for five years and produced more than a cubic kilometer of lava. The Ceboruco Volcano is located 2:00 a.m. from Guadalajara, and 2:30 a.m. from Puerto Vallarta, on its slopes is the Magical Town of Jala, a beautiful and historic town where you can find different hotels, inns, and a variety of restaurants.

The takeoff ramp is located at 1829 meters above sea level (see location), with the following coordinates 21° 6'22.89"N,104°30'9.65"W approximately 25 minutes from the center of Jala with a paved road accessible to any vehicle. The volcano's summit is 2,280 meters above sea level. The takeoff ramp is located on the road, it has a South-SouthEast orientation, which allows takeoff from 9 am, it must be taken into account that the prevailing wind is from the West-Northwest which begins around 12:00 pm, which limits the take-off window at the hours prior to the entry of said prevailing wind.

A landing close to takeoff is counted (Piano), with the following coordinates 21° 4'39.59"N, 104°28'54.17"O which is accessed from the town of Ahuacatlán.

Another larger landing zone but further away from takeoff is around the Instituto Tecnológico del Sur de Nayarit (see location ), with the following coordinates 21° 5'0.43"N, 104°26'21.98"W


Paragliding Fly Sites

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